Strathcona County Real Estate Market Statistics 12 June 2024

Strathcona County Real Estate Market – Acreage Sales Statistics – May 2024

Strathcona Country Real Estate Market- Sales Statistics May 2024

Strathcona County real estate market reports for listings, sales and days on market.

Real Estate Market Overview

The real estate market for acreages in Strathcona County is showing interesting trends in 2024. Despite a decrease in the number of sold properties for May, the year-to-date statistics reveal an overall positive trajectory.

Strathcona County Real Estate Market - Acreage Sales Statistics Strathcona County Real Estate Market - Acreage Sales Statistics Strathcona County Real Estate Market - Acreage Sales Statistics Strathcona County Real Estate Market - Acreage Sales Statistics

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New Listings

New listings in May 2024 stood at 78. YTD 2024 has seen 288 new listings, a 19.01% increase from 242 in 2023. The rise in new listings suggests a growing interest among sellers to capitalize on the current market conditions.

Strathcona County – Average Acreage List Price

Average Asking Price

The average asking price for properties in Strathcona County has risen. YTD 2024, the average asking price is $1.09 million, up 7.46% from $921,000 in 2023. This increase reflects the county’s desirable living conditions and growing demand for spacious acreages.

Strathcona County –Acreage Sales 

In May 2024, Strathcona County saw 32 properties sold, marking a 27.27% decrease from May 2023. However, the year-to-date (YTD) numbers tell a different story. There were 148 sold properties YTD in 2024, a significant 26.50% increase compared to the same period in 2023.

Strathcona County Real Estate Market –Acreage Average Sales Price

In May 2024, the average sales price was $801,000, showing a modest 1.72% increase from May 2023. However, YTD 2024, the average sales price is $719,000, down 4.05% from $750,000 in 2023. This slight decline may indicate a market correction or more budget-friendly properties being sold.

Strathcona County Acreage Average Days on Market

The average days on market until sale in May 2024 were 63 days, a notable 29.21% decrease from the previous year. This quicker turnover indicates a high demand for properties. The average ask-to-sell ratio for May 2024 is 0.987, showing a slight increase of 1.09% from last year, suggesting sellers are achieving prices closer to their asking prices.

The Strathcona County acreage market is showing positive growth in YTD sales and average asking prices. While there are monthly fluctuations, the overall trend indicates a healthy market. Buyers and sellers should stay informed on market conditions to make strategic decisions.

Data provided by the REALTORS® Association of Edmonton and subject to change. Always consult with a real estate professional for the most current market information. 

Are you considering buying or selling or just interested in more information on the real estate market in Strathcona County? CONTACT ME HERE


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