19 May 2022

Search crime trends in neighbourhoods and city wards.

Search crime trends in neighbourhoods and city wards.

The Edmonton community safety data portal, Search crime trends in neighbourhoods and city wards. You can compare neighbourhood data and export to a spreadsheet.

Explore this interactive platform providing access to data including crime statistics and trends occurring in Edmonton neighbourhoods. It offers increased transparency into policing activities and encourages public engagement so that we may build stronger and safer communities together.
EPS hopes the Community Safety Data Portal will enable the public to take an active role in community safety and crime prevention.
To view the Community Safety Map click here.

Important Definitions

Call for Service: A citizen or police generated call that results in an event. These situations are fluid and emotionally charged and initial complainant accounts are often fractured, evolving and lacking context. Changing dynamics may result in changes in both priority of dispatch and event type over the course of a call (e.g. event type at dispatch is Trouble with Person but changes to an event type of Assault upon arrival and evaluation by an EPS member).

Occurrence: An incident or a series of connected incidents reported to police that results in the creation of a police report.  An occurrence can be criminal requiring investigation or non-criminal requiring follow-up.